Why booking with Crete.gr
Why booking with Crete.gr !

Why booking with Crete.gr

  1. The aim of Crete.gr is the best and accurate information for the visitor of the island of Crete . We provide a complete presentation, through a variety of photos, historical information and full reference to each of the perfectures of Crete . The visitor has the capability of exploring Crete and properly decide the location, where he/she desires to stay. He can also choose the hotel, villa or rent rooms that he is looking for, among specially selected lodgings which can satisfy even the most demanding travelers.
  2. Easy-quick-secure. Crete.gr is a carefully constructed website which offers easy and quick finding of accommodation, through a number of criteria which you define. The transaction takes place directly with the manager of the lodging, allowing you to arrange prices and dates according to your requirements. This also disengages the website from money transfers which might have discouraged some travelers from booking.
  3. Crete.gr is a company which is based in Crete and maintains strong relationships with all partners, aiming to improve and expand the services provided. We continuously study a variety of statistics for our visitors, and always receive the recognition and appreciation for our high quality services through internet!

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Lodgings map of Crete. Find the Hotel, Villa or Rent room which is most suitable to you.